


【留学生】Notice on the Course Selection of Elementary Chinese for International Postgraduate Students

发布者:  时间:2024-01-18 13:11:54  浏览:


According tothe Regulations on the Study and Examination of General CompulsoryCoursesfor Postgraduates of Peking University, international students,whose Master or Doctor degree programs are taught in English, are required to taketheElementary Chinesecourse offered by the School of Chinese as a Second Language.ElementaryChinesecourse includes 64 hours per semester (4 hours per week),2 credits.


The schedule for thesecondsemester of 2023-2024is as follows:

1.学生查看《基础汉语》三个级别的能力描述、完成教材试读、确定自己合适的级别并按照选课规定在研究生选课中(http://elective.pku.edu.cn)完成选课。【教材试读建议使用电脑Google Chrome软件打开(不要使用IE)】

Students should check the course description of the three levels, read thesampletextbook, determine their appropriate level, and select the courses on the course selection website (http://elective.pku.edu.cn).【Click the link below and download the study materials by Google Chrome (the link may not be available on IE and mobile phones).】

1)课程号Course No.04411003

教材试读链接Link for the textbook


本课程适合零起点水平中文学习者。教学目标是培养学生对于中文基本语言特点的认知和兴趣,让学生能够用中文进行较简单的交流,解决日常生活中的基本语言需求。The course is for foreigners who have never learned Chinese before. It aims to cultivate students' basic knowledge and interest in Chinese. After studying, students can communicate with simple Chinese and tackle some daily scenarios.

备注:如果学习过1-2个月的中文但没有系统学习过拼音,该门课程适用【If you have learned Chinese for 1-2 months before, but never learned Pinyin systematically, please choose this course.】

2)课程号Course No.04411004

教材试读链接Link for the textbookhttps://disk.pku.edu.cn:443/link/CDFDD7A2A08AABD661781BF169B525AF

本课程适合初级中文学习者(掌握200个左右中文词汇)。教学目标是通过学习中文基础语法、常用词和日常表达,有效提高日常中文交际能力。The course is for learners with fundamental Chinese and a vocabulary of more than 200. It covers elementary Chinese grammar,vocabulary, and daily dialogue.

备注:如果学习中文时间不长但系统学习过拼音,该门课程适用【If you have already learned Pinyin before, please choose this course.】

3)课程号Course No.04411005

教材试读链接Link for the textbookhttps://disk.pku.edu.cn:443/link/0B0D747DA91A6551381DC64A0157CD32

本课程适合中级中文学习者(掌握600个左右中文词汇)。教学目标是进一步提高学生的中文听说和读写能力,扩大词汇量,用中文准确完成一般场景下的交际任务,能就熟悉的日常话题进行成段表达,包括口头和书面表达。The course is for learners with intermediate Chinese and a vocabulary of more than 600.It aims to expand students’ vocabulary and develop their Chinese ability. After studying, they can use the language accurately when tackling everyday scenarios and address regular topics with short speeches, including writing and speaking.


If you are still unsure about which class is the right fit for you after reading the textbook, please complete the following questionnairebefore 12:00midnight,February9th:https://jinshuju.net/f/GJbMPO. Simultaneously, send an email to jiaowu@pku.edu.cn describing your issue, including your student ID and name. We will provide you with feedback on the most suitable course. Afterward, please proceed to elective.pku.edu.cn to select your courses as soon as possible.【Please note that completing the questionnaire does not guarantee successful course selection; you must finish the course selection on the platform.】











  1. 《基础汉语》课程免修申请表下载链接为:http://grs.pku.edu.cn/pygz/jxgl/kcgl/bgxz888/365106.htm

  2. A类申请者需携带HSK成绩单原件和复印件一份(在右上角注明学号和姓名)以及本人校园卡(或录取通知书)原件和复印件一份B或C项申请者必须提交所在院系教务签字\盖章。

  3. 未按期提交的申请无效。

  4. 不可以代办。

  5. 逾期不办理。


